Title: They Weren't There: Chapter Three Disclaimer: I own a filofax but not this. Pairing: Ten/Rose Beta: miss_prufrock Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: Season Two, slight season four. Summary: Her journey is only just begining.
Title: Thet Weren't There: Chapter Two Disclaimer: I own a filofax but not this. Pairing: Ten/Rose Beta: miss_prufrock Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: Season Two and slight season four (so small you probably won't even notice it) Summary: Her journey is only just begining.
Title: Uniforms Author: Hermya Character(s): Ten, Rose Spoilers: Journey's End Rating: Teen Disclaimer: Not mine. Not making any money. Please not to sue me. Author's Note: Post Journery's End, a bit of hamless fun. Also, not beta-ed. Feel free to correct and nit pick.( This way dear reader )
Title: Stand By Me Pairing: Doctor/Rose Spoilers: Upto 4.12 Disclaimer: I own a filofax but not this Notes: Because we all need a bit of a fixer upper for that scene, hope you like people. ( A pretty cut )